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Ton Duc Thang University held the Graduation Ceremony for May 2024 phase (2nd time)

Following the success of the Graduation Ceremony on May 17, 2024, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held a Graduation Ceremony for new doctors, bachelors, engineers, architects, and pharmacists who have completed their study programs and are recognized as graduates in this graduation.
Presiding over the Ceremony was Dr. Tran Trong Dao - Chairman of the Science and Training Council, President of TDTU, along with members of Presidential Board, members of The Science and Training Council; and Heads of Faculties, Departments and Units under TDTU.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the Board of Directors and the school's pedagogical team, Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, congratulated new masters, new bachelors, engineers, architects, and pharmacists who have diligently studied and trained. At the same time, the Principal had a message to the new graduates about gratitude for this meaningful event. At the same time, we would also like to thank the parents for always accompanying the School, creating conditions and encouraging students to make efforts and strive to achieve high results in learning, research and training. Besides, send a message to the new graduates who have officially become well-trained citizens to enter life and fulfill their responsibilities to themselves, their families and society.

During this Graduation Ceremony, TDTU had 4 graduate students who successfully completed the training program and were recognized as Doctors. Among them, 2 Doctors in Computer Science and 2 Doctors in Construction Engineering. TDTU doctoral training program is designed to ensure modernity and integration with similar doctoral training programs around the world. The achievements of the new Doctor are the pride of the school, contributing to TDTU brand in implementing the mission of training high-quality human resources for the country and contributing to the overall development of society.

Congratulations to the new Doctors of Ton Duc Thang University! A promising new chapter is about to open. The results you reap today are completely worthy after months of hard work and long days of "fighting" with your thesis. Wishing TDTU New Doctors always be confident, creative and successful on the path they choose. The days ahead are waiting for you with the most wonderful things!

Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, delivering congratulatory remarks

Associate Professor, Dr. Ngo Le Minh, Acting head of department of Graduate studies, announcing the decision to recognize doctors programs graduation

New Doctor Tran Luong Quoc Dai, speaking on behalf of graduate students graduating in May 2024

Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, awarding degrees and taking commemorative photos with the new doctors

Associate Professor, Dr. Ngo Le Minh, Acting head of department of Graduate studies awarding degrees and taking commemorative photos with the new doctors