Ph.D. candidate Bhagat Suraj Kumar (India) in Civil Engineering successfully defended a doctoral dissertation at the University- level
On August 12, 2023, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held an examining committee for the doctoral dissertation at the University-level for Ph.D. candidate Bhagat Suraj Kumar, in Civil Engineering (Program code: 9580201), with the topic “Bay’s soil heavy metal prediction using advanced computer-aided models: Application of assessment for construction engineering” under the supervision of Dr. Zaher Mundher Yaseen (TDTU) and Dr. Tran Minh Tung (TDTU).
Bhagat Suraj Kumar received his Bachelor of Engineering at Vinaya Mission University, India; Master of Engineering at Rajasthan Technical University, India with a major in Environmental Engineering. He was recruited at TDTU in 2018. Before defending the doctoral dissertation, he completed 12 credits of specialized courses, 06 credits of doctoral research topics, 04 credits of literature review, completed the faculty-level doctoral dissertation examining committee, and 02 scientific papers published in reputable journals.
The academic contribution of this dissertation is stated as follows:
- The dissertation presented the influences of heavy metal contamination on the geotechnical properties of the bay’s soil which potentially affects the foundation construction works offshore, on shore, and reusability.
- The dissertation developed an XGBoost model for feature selection as well as with higher accuracy predictive model for the bay’s sediment contamination.
- The dissertation developed the reliability test of the applied AI models through rotation techniques and the Monte Carlo method.
- The dissertation established data split trust through a sliding window test to feed the data in a different scenario to the applied AI model, which is very useful for construction engineering. Also, new statistical evaluators to support the reliability of the model performance.
- The dissertation set for the bay’s sediment quality sustainable support for reusing it, assessing it, and predicting it; can be recycled into other construction materials, such as constituent material in road pavement, light-weight aggregates ceramic tiles, and more.
The doctoral dissertation was approved with 07 votes from 07 committee members.
There are some photos of the doctoral dissertation examining committee on August 12, 2023:

Dr. Thi Ngoc Bao Dung - Assistant Head of the Department of Graduate Studies (TDTU) announced the Decision to establish the committee.

Assoc.Prof. Vo Le Phu (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology), Chairman of the Committee.

Ph.D. candidate defends his doctoral dissertation

The Committee took souvenir photos with the Ph.D. candidate