Ph.D. candidate Le Hoai Bao in Civil Engineering successfully defended a doctoral dissertation at the University- level
On August 28, 2023, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held an examining committee for the doctoral dissertation at the University-level for Ph.D. candidate Le Hoai Bao, in Civil Engineering (Program code: 9580201), with the topic “Study on the Composition and Mechanical properties of Geopolymer concrete using recycled aggregate” under the supervision of Dr. Bui Quoc Bao (TDTU) and Dr. Vu Duy Thang (Mien Tay Construction University).
Before defending the doctoral dissertation, he completed 12 credits of specialized courses, 06 credits of doctoral research topics, 04 credits of literature review, completed the faculty-level doctoral dissertation examining committee, and 03 scientific papers published in reputable journals.
The academic contribution of this dissertation is stated as follows:
- The thesis summarized the current situation of waste in construction and the properties of recycled concrete aggregates. At the same time, the thesis also presented the mechanism of forming geopolymer binder and synthesizing some characteristics of fly ash in Vietnam. Thereby helping readers understand the potential combination between recycled concrete aggregate and geopolymer.
- The thesis presented the factors affecting the properties of recycled aggregate cement concrete and geopolymer concrete, this is the basis for choosing the composition and proportion of materials in the design of the mix composition of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete.
- The thesis discussed the remaining problems in previous studies and outlines potential future research directions in the field of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete.
- The thesis investigated the influence of curing conditions, superplasticizers, the ratios of activator solution on fly ash on compressive strength and slump of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete.
- The thesis provided results on the bond strength of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete with rebars and the thermo-mechanical behaviour of this concrete.
- The thesis analyzed the microstructures of geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete and compares them with conventional cement concrete, helping readers better understand the results of the mechanical properties of the geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete.
The doctoral dissertation was approved with 07 votes from 07 committee members.
There are some photos of the doctoral dissertation examining committee on August 28, 2023:
Assoc.Prof. Ngo Le Minh - Acting Head of the Department of Graduate Studies (TDTU) announced the Decision to establish the committee.

Ph.D. candidate defends his doctoral dissertation.

The Committee took souvenir photos with Ph.D. candidate.