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Ton Duc Thang University held the Graduation Ceremony for May 2024 phase

On May 17, 2024, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held a Graduation Ceremony to confer degrees to new doctors, masters, bachelors, engineers, architects, and pharmacists who have completed their study programs and are recognized as graduates in this graduation phase. Presiding over the Ceremony was Dr. Tran Trong Dao - Chairman of the Science and Training Council, President of TDTU, along with members of Presidential Board, members of The Science and Training Council; and Heads of Faculties, Departments and Units under TDTU.

On behalf of the Presidential Board and the entire teaching staff of TDTU, Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, congratulated new masters, new bachelors, engineers, architects, and pharmacists who have diligently studied and trained. Additionally, the President had a few words of advice for the new graduates about the importance of gratitude for this meaningful event.With the goal of becoming a multidisciplinary, high-quality, prestigious research university domestically and internationally, over the past years, teachers and students of Ton Duc Thang University have constantly strived to build a better University. grow strong. One of the results of that outstanding effort is generations of students/trainees who are professionally trained, skilled, and better meet the development requirements of society. After 27 years of establishment and development, TDTU has continuously achieved significant milestones, becoming a large, reputable educational institution both domestically and globally. Notably, TDTU has just been internationally accredited by FIBAA, meeting the European higher education standards for the period 2024-2030, just right after the international accreditation organization HCERES for the period 2018-2023. Furthermore, TDTU has also completed the accreditation of 41 undergraduate and graduate programs according to international standards such as AUN-QA, FIBAA, and ASIIN. In 2024, TDTU was ranked as one of the top 200 universities in Asia according to THE Asia University Rankings. Up to now, the University has trained and provided society with 36 doctors, 1,921 masters, and 66,302 bachelors, engineers, architects, and pharmacists with high qualifications.

With the knowledge equipped after 2 years of study and research in the graduate program, the new Masters and Sisters are entrusted with the hope that they will always maintain their will and passion; perform professional tasks well at the agency and flexibly apply knowledge and skills to work to contribute most effectively to the development of the unit, contributing to building and creating a fair society. and prosperity. Especially, the President conveyed to the new graduates that graduation is not the end but the beginning of a new challenging journey. Be confident to start your career path from the humblest positions. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, be ready to take on tasks when being assigned. Those who have certain successes in society all start from the lowest positions and work their way up. More opportunities will come to those who are willing to devote themselves.

The school always believes that alumni are a very important part of the Ton Duc Thang University community. The school hopes that the new masters will always see themselves as ambassadors, representing the school's noble image and mission of serving society, and accompanying the school in the upcoming development process.


Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, delivering congratulatory remarks

Associate Professor, Dr. Ngo Le Minh, Acting head of department of Graduate studies, announcing the decision to recognize master's degree graduation

Dr. Tran Trong Dao, President of TDTU, awarding degrees and taking commemorative photos with the new masters

Associate Professor, Dr. Ngo Le Minh, Acting head of department of Graduate studies taking commemorative photos with the new masters